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A story worth sharing with our clients and friends

For over 100 years the Optimist Youth Homes and Family Services organization has provided unrivaled programs for at-risk youth and their families and has grown to become a leading proponent and innovator of services that now include mental health, foster family services, adoption services, and residential based school services and educational programs.

As an avid Optimist supporter for over 35 years, I encourage you to discover for yourself how one nonprofit has changed the lives of so many in such a dramatic and lasting way. It is our hope that you may wish to show your support as well. Every contribution is put to work supporting the kids’ programs and to provide the basic building blocks they so desperately need. Learn more about OYHFS here

** Please take a few minutes to view the CNN video below featuring our Friend and Television personality, Michaela Pereira, as she shares her experiences over many years of OYHFS involvement, and her love for the kids and programs at Optimist Youth Homes and Family Services.

View CNN Video Featuring Michaela Pereira

View Raffle Ticket for Hawaiian Vacation

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