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The use of this website as means of contacting Landegger & Verano (“L&V”) or any individual attorney of the firm will not establish an attorney‐client relationship. Thus, do not use this website to submit confidential or time‐sensitive information. Whether you are a new or existing client of L&V, L&V cannot represent you on any new matter unless and until L&V has decided that there are no conflicts of interest, and that L&V is willing and otherwise able to accept the new engagement. Unless and until L&V has informed you in writing that it is willing and able to accept your new matter, do not send the firm any information or documents that you consider private or confidential.
Neither by accessing this site or by reviewing its contents has an attorney-client relationship been formed or established; and nothing contained in this site shall constitute the giving or rendering of legal advice or can be construed as a legal opinion or guarantee of a particular resolution of a legal problem. Information is provided as a public service and is not intended to be a substitute for competent legal counsel. The information provided is general and may not apply to your circumstances. Under no circumstances should you make legal decisions solely based on the information provided on this website. You should consult an attorney before making any important decision involving a legal matter.
We look forward to meeting with you
to discuss how we can become a part of your team and help your company succeed and prosper.
We will serve as your trusted counsel for all your employment law needs. Please contact us for more information.